Please feel free to download and share these sermons as you see fit. May the Lord bless you in His Word!

See Ways to Receive the Word for podcast information.


Matthew 3:1-3

Greg Lundstedt

What Are We to Do to Receive the King? – Part 1. The Ministry of John the Baptist: Preparing the Way for King Jesus And His Kingdom


Matthew 2:13-23

Greg Lundstedt

Prophecy Fulfilled. The Despised Deliverer King Jesus Is Our Only Hope


Matthew 2:1-12

Greg Lundstedt

Three Different Responses to The Birth of King Jesus: Joyful Worship, Fearful Agitation, and Murderous Hate


Matthew 1:18-25

Greg Lundstedt

The Birth of Jesus Christ. God with Us!


Matthew 1:1-17

Greg Lundstedt

The Genealogy of Jesus Christ. Are They Just a Bunch of Names?


1 Timothy 3:8-13

Greg Lundstedt

Qualifications for recognized servants we all should aspire to